ADM Group is one of the biggest parcel merketing service companies in the world. Headquartered in United Kingdom and offices in 33 countries. From Axxon we collaborate with the office in Esplugues de Llobregat. With their experience they add value to companies through marketing to help them overcome challenges optimizing costs and reaching their objectives. Our collaboration began more than 4 years ago in which we have worked to create together.
Axxon és un dels partners principals d’ADM Spain en la recerca de personal. La relació està consolidada des de fa 4 anys, ens coneixen i s’adapten a la perfecció al nostre entorn dinàmic i canviant. L’equip d’Axxon ens ajuda a trobar els perfils que millor s’adapten a nosaltres.
What kind of profiles have you trusted Axxon with over time for both temporary and permanent positions?
What do you value most about our service and, in particular, the selection process?
After this time collaborating, what motivates you to continue trusting Axxon?
What phrase would you use to describe Axxon?